What’s changed in conferencing since 1973?

13 06 2013

Congratulations to everyone involved over the years. We must be doing something right!

Congratulations to everyone involved over the years. We must be doing something right!

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2 responses

5 09 2013
Ricardo Molina


Reading this infographic prompted me to say congratulations to you as in my opinion IQPC is one of the conference industry players leveraging social media and communities embracing change and you have driven this change. Because referring to what has changed in the conference industry in the recent 20 years… realistically not a lot, it surprises me to this day that the big players are still doing generally the same thing they used to do a long time ago and not keeping up the pace of change.

Onwards and upwards and congratulations again!

5 09 2013

Thanks Ricardo, every IQPC marketer, including former colleagues like you played their part! I’m always so impressed by how much energy and enthusiasm our marketers bring to the table. It’s their passion that drives innovation.

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